Toggle navigation Course Evaluation Form Ce questionnaire à pour but d'évaluer l'enseignement que vous avez reçu. default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. There are 39 questions in this survey. Course Evaluation Form Master 1 Gestion d'Actifs Contrôles et Conformités Professor's name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Slim SOUISSI François PIERRY Ludovic MOISSON Asma BEN HAJ ALI Benoit SOLER Mathieu SANLAVILLE Bertrand RIMBAULT Alexis GOUIN Xavier DIVAY Françoise BASTIE Philippe JOLLY Gérard AMPEAU Sandy CAMPART Aida BENNINI Olivier EUDES Marc-Etienne SEBIRE Caroline FARRUGIA Bernard COUPEZ Patrice GARCIA Florence MESATFA FESSY Sylvie LEROY GAUTIER Nadège MARIE Sonia LECHASLES Hervé LEGRAND Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Maitriser les mathématiques financières Comprendre le fonctionnement des marchés financiers Finance Internationale Marché de taux d'interêt Préparer une certification BMC Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Analyser les états financiers des entreprises Panorama de l'industrie Cartographie des risques Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Analyse financière Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Challenge Recherche Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Analyse de secteur Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Private Equity Commercialisation des produits et services financiers Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Private Equity La vie du Titre Service aux emetteurs Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Gestion de portefeuille Gouvernance et organisation des établissements financiers Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Gestion collective Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Gestion Indicielle Responsabilité sociale des établissements financiers Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Droit des marchés financiers Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Primary Markets: Stocks and Bonds Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Comprendre les mécanismes de la macroéconomie Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Finances durable et Stratégies ESG Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Encadrement des activités financières Déontologie du collaborateur Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Vie des OPC Administration de fonds Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Tenue de compte conservation Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Défaillances bancaires et financières Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme (LCB FT) et Know Your Customer (KYC) Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Maîtriser MS EXCEL et VBA Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Communiquer en Anglais Course name Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Préparer une certification LEVEL OF EFFORT (This question is mandatory) Level of effort you put into the course Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent CONTRIBUTION TO LEARNING (This question is mandatory) Level of skill/knowledge at start of course Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Level of skill/knowledge at end of course Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Level of skill/knowledge required to complete the course Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Contribution of course to your skill/knowledge Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent SKILL AND RESPONSIVENESS OF THE INSTRUCTOR (This question is mandatory) Instructor was an effective lecturer/demonstrator Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Presentations were clear and organized Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Instructor stimulated student interest Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Instructor effectively used time during class periods Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Instructor was available and helpful Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent COURSE CONTENT (This question is mandatory) Learning objectives were clear Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Course content was organized and well planned Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Course workload was appropriate Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) Course organized to allow all students to participate fully Choose one of the following answers Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent (This question is mandatory) What aspects of this course were most useful or valuable? (This question is mandatory) How would you improve this course? Submit Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey ×